While the Palace Museum and the Great Wall, the two world-famous scenic spots, are known to all a must tourist destination for people visiting Beijing, today, I’d like to introduce to you the Beijing World Park, the third major tourist site in Beijing. Completed in the early 1990s, the Beijing World Park boasts the newest spot in Beijing, and here the visitors may realize their dream of “touring around the world in a day.”

北京世界公園是規(guī)模雄踞亞洲同類公園之冠,所收微縮復(fù)制品的數(shù)量也堪稱亞洲之最。世界七大奇觀以及50個(gè)國家的約100處歷史名勝和自然景觀均以微縮模型展出。占地面積46.7公頃的世界公園分為17處風(fēng)景區(qū),收集了亞洲、非洲、歐洲、南北美洲以及大洋洲的 主要名勝景點(diǎn)。
The Beijing World Park is the largest park of its kind, with mini replicas on the largest scale in Asia. The Seven Wonders of the World and some 100 famous historical and natural sights from 50 countries are on display in miniature. The 46.7-hectare World Park features 17 scenic areas staging all the major tourist sites of Asia, Africa, Europe, Americas and Oceania.
