學問與趣味Learning and Personal Inclination

梁實秋 Liang Shiqiu

| 譯文摘自張培基《英譯中國散文選一》

No, I think not. Generally speaking, the so-called interest begins to exist only when one is mature enough to engage in independent studies. It is improper, I am afraid, for young people to overstress the importance of interest while they are still in the period of learning the basics of knowledge. Interest will never develop where no solid foundation has been laid for learning.

1,所謂“云云”有兩個含義:①用在引用或轉述的詞語后面,表示省略或者結束,②同“蕓蕓”。眾多:萬物云云。一般是不譯的,童鞋們遇到這個詞可以不用糾結~如:It is not about the truth. It is the truth.
2,“年長”此處譯為when one is mature enough,譯為mature可以指情感和認識上的成熟,而grow up側重年齡上的長大,而old又帶著些許“衰老,不再年輕”的意味~這里我們依舊可以看出翻譯用詞的精準
3,“年長之后自動作學問之時“此處的”自動“又和我們現在的理解不一樣額~這里作”自主,獨立”解,故譯為to engage in independent studies
4,“學問沒有根底,趣味也很難滋生。”我們很容易想到用“without句”,而張爺爺譯為Interest will never develop where no solid foundation has been laid for learning.以從句避免了分句結構散的尷尬~足以見大師的功底~


There is no denying the fact that Mr. Liang owed his wide erudition and unusual literary talent, for the most part, to his good grasp of foundation knowledge.I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.

1,“任公先生的學問之所以…”譯為There is no denying the fact that =意為“不可否認(的是)”,相較于用the reason why,更強調對于梁學問的認同
2,“博大精深(指思想和學術廣博且高深),涉筆成趣(形容一動筆就畫出或寫出很有意趣的東西),左右逢源(指賞識廣博)“表明的都是一個意思,即”梁的學問廣博,有很高的才氣“,譯為wide erudition and unusual literary talent,很多四字語在一起用時都是意思的重復,找出共同意思即可
3,“成績優(yōu)異,而語文程度不足以達意“直接用do well in ,be weak in,簡潔達意~


Some, though they can write beautifully, detest the study of mathematics and physics, and barely managed to pass the examinations in them. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in them. They cast away whatever subjects they dislike like something utterly worthless. They are so smug and thick-skinned that they speak volubly in defence of their own attitude like champions of interest-ism.

1. “執(zhí)筆為文,斐然可誦”=能寫得一手好文章,依舊是找核心的意思~
2. “視數理科如仇讐”中的“仇讐”同“仇讎”意為“敵人”,意譯為detest(憎惡,痛恨)
3. “便撇在一旁視如敝屣”也可直譯為cast away…like a pair of worn-out shoes~
譯文中譯為cast away…like something utterly worthless,采取了意譯的手法,比較明白易懂~
4.一大批四字語又要襲來~“怡然自得,振振有詞,略無愧色,好像這就是發(fā)揚趣味主義”譯為They are so smug and thick-skinned that they speak volubly in defence of their own attitude like champions of interest-ism.因為“怡然自得(本意是高興和滿足,此處作貶義,意同洋洋自得),振振有詞(自認為有理,說個沒完),略無愧色(絲毫不感到羞愧)”的共同含義約等于沒有,需要分別翻譯,這就相當于我們之前講到過的分句合譯了,找出邏輯關系,串聯(lián)成句~


They hardly realize that there is no learning but is capable of engendering interest and that all depends on how to search for it. You will develop a liking for learning if, under the guidance of a good teacher, you study to discover new horizons opening up before you one after another by following the proper order and advancing step by step. On the other hand, you will find learning as dry as sawdust and feel frustrated if you refuse to go into a subject in depth or even make impetuous advances without following the proper order.

1.“殊不知”=hardly realize/know
2.” 沒有沒有趣味的學問”譯為there is no learning but is capable of engendering interest,其中but在此為關系代詞,相當于that not,常用于否定詞后,如:No college student was there but respected the teachers.(當時)那兒沒有一個大學生是不尊重老師的。
3. “如果淺嘗輒止,甚至躐等躁進(越級;不循原有序列),當然味同嚼蠟,自討沒趣?!白g為you will find learning as dry as sawdust(直譯) and feel frustrated(意譯) if you refuse to go into a subject in depth(意譯) or even make impetuous advances without following the proper order(意譯).這幾個詞的意思還是有差異的,并且很明顯的有邏輯關系,可以合譯為一句~

