Ladies and gentlemen,

The tremendous contribution that this Agency and Institute make to the quality and safety of existing medical products and the development of new ones will make little difference in the absence of systems for delivering these products to those in greatest need.

Let me conclude with a visionary example.

The government of Rwanda is implementing a product delivery programme that will use drones to deliver medical supplies, such as blood bags, to remote rural areas that cannot be reached by roads.

Since post-partum haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality, the life-saving potential is vast.

Drones can deliver many other health interventions. Post-exposure treatments for rabies and snakebites are especially important, as most deaths from these conditions occur in rural areas.

Studies conducted by Ugandan and US researchers have shown that transportation by drone does not impair the quality of lab samples and medicines.

The first test flights in Rwanda, known as the “l(fā)and of a thousand hills”, are scheduled to begin in August.

Plans for the future include the building of three drone-ports that will be able to cover almost half of Rwanda’s countryside. You will be pleased to know that British architect Norman Foster is one of the partners supporting this project.

Just as mobile phones overcame the lack of landlines, the use of drones to deliver life-saving medical products can overcome the lack of road infrastructure seen in much of rural Africa.

Though it is early days, experts have been quick to recognize the extraordinary potential of this delivery innovation.

It could transform the capacity of rural health facilities to save lives.

It could revolutionize the ability to retain qualified staff by assuring them they will not have to stand by, helpless, and watch people die from treatable causes.

In an era of global health perils, we need to let our imaginations soar when looking for ways to get quality medical products to those in greatest need.

That will, indeed, help us reach the moon.

Thank you.