1. Peggy; Frank
2. little ‘uns
They were designed to break the spirit. Worse than dying. That's what anyone who'd been in one said. And Frank and Peggy would tell you the same. They went in there when they were just little 'uns. Mother and father dead, no one to look after them, but Frank, only seven, he swore he could look after Peggy. He fought everyone to keep them together, but the minute they went through those gates, they were torn apart. Now, she cried every night, didn't know how to survive without him, and Frank, he never stopped looking for her. So when he finally found her years later, it's not surprising they clung together for dear life. Their love was the only good thing that ever came out of that place.
But, Sister, it's incest.
There was nothing left of family, the minute they walked through those gates. Now, if you've got no work to do.