Littel Bear′s Mermaid
Little Bear-L
Mother Bear-MB
Father Bear-FB
L: Hurry up, everyone.
H: Look, everyone, is it a nice spot??
L: No, hen, not yet. Come on, it′s just a little way.
H: Just a little way.
L: Come on, follow me.
O: What about here? It′s shady and quiet.
L: No, no, not here. Come on, you′ll see.
C: Are we almost there? I′m already for a nap.
L: Almost. We are here. The lake.
C: Oh, at last.
MB: This is a perfect spot for a picnic.
FB: And a nap.
L: But we just got here. Let′s go in the water. Don′t you want to come in?
C: Not yet.
H: You know why.
L: Let′s swim, it′s fun.
C: For a fish.
H: Or a bear.
L: Come on, it′s great.
H: It looks cold.
L: It′s not cold.
C: It looks wet.
L: It′s not wet.
O: No splashing.
L: All right. I′ll splash by myself. Hey. I got you, frog. Hey, did you see that?
H: See what?
L: It′s the mermaid.
O: The mermaid?
L: Yes. Didn′t you see her? But she was just here. Just a second ago. You couldn′t miss her. You sure you didn′t see her?
H: I didn′t.
O: I didn′t.
C: What mermaid.
L: Watch, just watch. You′ll see. Well, she′s there, I know it.
C: Where?
L: She′s shy.
O: Shy?
L: She′s afraid.
H: Of what?
L: Of us. She is afraid to come out with all of us here. Let′s all go to sleep.
C: But how would we see her if we all go to sleep?
L: We just pretend to be asleep. And then she won′t be afraid. Look at Father Bear, he is sleeping, Mother, would you close your eyes and pretend to be asleep?
MB: With pleasure. Good night.
C: All right, I'll pretend to be asleep.
L: Ok, let′s be quiet and soon she′ll be here.
Mermaid: Did I wake you?
L: No.
Mermaid: Want to swim?
L: Yes. Where did you go?
Mermaid: Over here.
L: My friends want to meet you.
Mermaid: They are taking a nap.
L: They won′t mind waking up.
Mermaid: I can′t swim on the land. Won′t they come in the lake?
L: They are not swimmers.
Mermaid: They are not? You are a wonderful swimmer.
L: Oh, my. And you are the best swimmer of all.
Mermaid: Thank you, Little Bear. I′d better go now. Good bye.
L: Bye.
MB: Father Bear.
C: Little Bear? What are you doing?
O: I thought we were supposed to be asleep.
L: I saw the mermaid.
H: Oh, really?
L: I did. I swam with the mermaid.
H: Oh, sure, Little Bear, you and your mermaid.
FB: Next time you see her, invite her to lunch.
MB: She might like the picnic, come on, everyone.
FB: Of course with the mermaid you never can tell.
L: That′s the thing about mermaids, you never can tell.
FB: Time for lunch, Little Bear.