Princess Duck
Little Bear-L
Friends: Oh, splendid! Oh, my oh my! Amazing!
L: Oh I′ll try this hat. Where did your granny get all this stuff, Emily?
E: Granny′s travelled all over the world.
E: I love playing dress up, don′t you, Little Bear?
L: Oh, yes.
O: En, let′s see now. Look at me. Hohoho.
L: Hehe, Owl is a clown.
O: A happy clown. And a sad clown.
D: Oh, try this on, Cat.
C: No, thank you.
D: Ok then, I′ll try it on.
L: Look, Cat, why don′t you try these?
C: I don′t wear gloves.
E: It′s just for dress up.
C: Well, I don′t dress up.
D: Oh, pretty colors.
L: Interesting.
D: Wee, I can′t see!
L: I′ll help. Maybe you should try something else.
D: I guess so.
L: Come on, Duck.
E: Perfect. I′m a big game hunter. And I′m hunting for cats.
C: Well, find yourself another cat.
O: But you are the only cat we′ve got. Ha.
E: Here I come.
O: He got away.
E: I′ll going to get you, Cat.
C: Oh, no, you′ll not, I′m no longer a cat. I′m the king of beasts.
L: Come on, king of beasts. Let′s make a parade.
C: Ok, this is fun.
D: It such sparkles.
E: Come on, Duck, join in.
D: How can I dance if I can′t see!
C: You should never pull the tail of the king of beasts.
O: Ha, but a clown can poke fun at a king.
L: Duck, what′s wrong?
D: I can′t be anything.
L: Well, what do you want to be?
D: I want to be a beautiful princess.
C: Of course you do.
D: But I′m just an ugly duck.
E: That′s not true.
L: We think you are a beautiful duck.
O: A fine duck indeed.
D: But I can′t find a costume. I′ve tried on the shirt with no arms, but it got all backward, I′ve tried on some shiny shoes, but they were floppy, I′ve tried on the sparkling thing, but it′s too big.
E: See, we can help.
D: You can?
L: We′ll turn you into a beautiful princess, Duck.
D: You will?
E: Of course. A beautiful princess Duck.
E: En, we need this. Such fine jewels, your majesty.
O: Aha, real Chinese silk. You highness.
L: Good thinking, Tutu.
L: What′s a beautiful princess without her crown?
O: A virgin of lovliness.
D: Me? Let me see, let me see. Oh, I am beautiful.
C: You need just one more thing. There, anything for a princess. Duck, you are the most beautiful princess in the land.
Friends: Your majesty.
D: Thanks, I mean, thank you.
L: Princess Duck.
D: Yes, Little Bear?
L: Can I be a prince?
D: You may.
L: What would you like to do first, your majesty?
D: Let′s dance!
Friends: Splendid!