一、略讀 skimming
First read the following question.
The general idea of the passage is why the U.S. ______.
A. made atomic bombs
B. used atomic bombs
C. invaded Japan
D. accepted Japan’s surrender
Now skim the passage below and answer the question.
The decision to drop the atomic bombs, once the scientists had developed them, was not lightly made. Operating without knowledge of the highly secret scientific breakthrough, allied military staffs planned to invade Japan in November, 1945, with a second major landing in March, 1946. Japanese resistance in the Pacific islands had been so fierce that the Allied planners anticipated more than a million Allied and two million Japanese casualties. President Truman’s hope was that the atomic bombs—through a demonstration of immense power—would shock the Japanese command into accepting the idea of surrender and save lives on both sides.
First read the following question.
Margaret Mee went on her first expedition to the Amazon in ___.
A. 1952 B. 1968 C. 1947 D. 1956
Now scan Text and mark your answer on your ANSWER SHEET.
Margaret Mee: English Explorer and Painter of Amazon Flora
** Born in Chesham, England, in May 1909.
** Studied at St Martins School of Art and later at the Camberwell School of Art.
** Went to Brazil with her husband Breville, a commercial artist, in 1952.
** Made her first expedition to the Amazon in 1956 at the age of 47.
** Made 15 further expeditions to the Amazon. The last expedition took place in May 1988.
** She never painted or drew from photographs. She painted what she saw.
** She published two books of her paintings in 1968 and 1980.
** She achieved an ambition of 36 years to paint the night flowing Amazon Moonflower only in 1988.
** Her diaries, In Search of the Flowers of the Amazon Forest, were published in 1988.