2012-07-09 16:00
The cause of thunder has been a subject of discussion for a long time. In the third century BC, it was believed that 1.__________. However, the most accepted theory was developed in the 20th century. According to this theory, the bolts of lightning are very hot, 2.__________. When this high temperature bolt hits the surrounding air, there is 3.__________, sending out a shock wave, which we hear as a sound of explosion. Thus, thunder is caused 4.__________, near the stroke of lightning 5.____________. In case that you are outside during a thunderstorm, it is advisable to avoid open fields, beaches and lakes and also 6.__________. The safest way is to 7.__________ or stay in the car.
thunder is caused due to collision of clouds
much hotter than the surface of the sun
an instant expansion of the air
due to rapid heating and cooling of the air
Thunder can be dangerous
stay away from tall trees
get inside your home